Do you have trees with fruit that's making a mess in your yard or going into your green waste can? We were looking for a place to donate grapefruit from one of our trees and found a church in CV which has a foodpantry. Every Thursday they give away food to people in the community who are inneed. We took our fruit to them and they were so happy to have it. They have avery nice set-up and although I'm sure much of the food is donated, I thinkthey may have to pay for some of it. In any case I think they are especially appreciativeof fresh fruit and produce. So if you can spare some of your bounty, we wouldbe happy to take it down to them. You can post a reply and we'll figure out howto get together.

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  • Hi Barbara - this is wonderful - thanks! Sharing and swapping all the fruit we have in the neighborhood is actually one of the reasons I started this site in the first place. Perhaps you can just post the information for this church so in the future as people start getting more bounty from their gardens over the Summer and into Autumn, they'll know where they can donate without having to bother you to coordinate?
    • Hi Andria,
      Here's the info on the church:

      New Life Christian Church
      20394 San Miguel Ave
      (510) 889-1304 Office

      I think they accept donations at any time (during office hours) but the food distribution is every Thursday from 6-7 PM. Dick took a bag of lemons from our neighbor's tree down there today.

      It would be wonderful if people would do this on their own. I only offered to do it because I know that everyone is busy and tasks like this often fall by the wayside. I hope people are not put off by the fact that it is a church. Many food sharing organizations use churches as distribution points and one doesn't need any kind of relationship with the church to take advantage of their services. I know that Alameda County Food Bank uses a Lutheran church on Redwood Road but I had already contacted the New Life church by the time I learned that.

      Anyway, I appreciate your help in getting the word out. And if I haven't already told you this, I really appreciate your creation and maintenance of this site. I plug it whenever I have the opportunity.

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Thomas Westfall
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